Mason Crest is in need of donations of boy and girl pants sizes 6-12, in addition to boys underwear. Elastic waisted pants are preferable such as stretch pants for girls and athletic or sweatpants for boys. Any donations can be dropped off at the front office.
Thank you!!
Registration is still open so please continue to register. Classes are held after school from 4:05-5:05pm. Online registration is preferred but paper registrations will be distributed again in the Tuesday folders. Please contact Allison Gilbert with any concerns for questions at AlliMGilbert@gmail.com
Contact Christie Yarn for information on scholarships at clyarn@fcps.edu
Kids in Motion Classes
Registration fees are $84 per class. Please click on the registration forms above for each class or visit novakidsinmotion.com and click on Online Registration on the top left.
Kids Create Classes
Registration fees are $96 per class. Please fill out the registration form that will be coming home in the Tuesday folders or please print out this registration form and follow the instructions on how to make your payment.
There’s so much to choose from among our after school enrichment programs! Stimulate your child’s mind by enrolling them into Chess and/or Cartooning classes sponsored by Kids Create or promote fun fitness by having them join Run Club, Yoga and/or Glow Light Dance Party provided by NOVA Kids in Motion. Registration due date is Friday September 23, 2016 for all classes.
Also please contact Christie Yarn at clyarn@fcps.edu for information on scholarships opportunities.
Become a member and join us today! Go paperless by signing up and making your membership payment online.
Membership purchase through PayPal
Also, to receive updates please text @mcespto to 81010, like and friend us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter.
We would like to give a big “Thank You” for all the help we got from parents with sorting supplies this past Friday. But once again, we need YOUR help with the final phase of supply delivery to our awesome teachers.
Please join us at MCES Monday night 8/29 at 5:30pm as we haul the boxes of supplies right to each classroom’s front doors! We have dollies, just need the man power. The more people that show up, the faster we’ll be able to get this done. So please join us!
We are looking for volunteers to help sort the school supplies this Friday, 8/26/16 at 1:30pm. Kids are welcome to help too! Please email us at masoncrestpto@gmail.com.
Please visit the link below to help make this event a success! Really need help on Wednesday evening.
Wednesday 5/11 Evening Events
5:30pm – Ice cream Social – $1 (non dairy options available)
6:30pm – Kindergarten and 1st grade concert
7:00pm – Bedtime stories with the Principals
Raffles! – Visit the book fair any day to win a chance at these prizes! Tickets only $1
– Principal for a day
– Annandale Swim and Tennis Membership
– Class Ice Cream Party
– Class Pizza Party
– Stained Glass Dragon
Orders are due June 1st! See Tuesday folders for more infomation!
It is time to elect our PTO board of officers for the 2016-2017 school year!
Please plan to attend the PTO meeting on June 9th at 6:30pm to meet the nominees and cast your vote.
The board nominees are…
President: Christy Fase
Treasurer: Sandra Miracle
Secretary: Monica Buckhorn
Ways & Means: Michaela Nuckels
Communications: Johanna Murphy/Dani Cao
Volunteer Coordinator/Membership: Patrick Krason
Non-elected Positions (and where we need your help – can be held by two people working together)
Folder copying: WE NEED YOU!
Kindergarten summer play dates: WE NEED YOU!
Green committee: WE NEED YOU!
Restaurant nights: WE NEED YOU!
After school programs: Allison Gilbert (could use one more person)
Spiritwear: Mary Johnson
Hospitality: Becky Adye
Yearbook: Daniela Raik
DJ/MC: Christian Nuckels
Rewards program: Thurraya and Absolon Kent
Election day bake sale: Chrystal Krason
For more information, contact the nominating committee:
Daniela Raik (danielaraik@gmail.com)
Lisa Wolfe (lisa.wolfe1@gmail.com)
For more information, contact the nominating committee:
Daniela Raik (danielaraik@gmail.com)
Lisa Wolfe (lisa.wolfe1@gmail.com)
Please review the attached red line by-laws changes. They will be discussed/approved during our next PTO meeting on June 9th at 6:30pm.
Don’t forget to shop at the Swap Meet and Craft Bazzar at school this Saturday, October 17th, from 9am-12pm! Right now we are still planning to set up in the parking lot, but will move inside if it rains or if its too cold.
We now have over 30 families/vendors participating! There are going to be so many great things for sale! Some of the items are listed below: