
The Mason Crest PTO Leaders  are responsible for (1) the establishment and oversight of the strategic direction, initiatives, and goals for the PTO (including the inputs of the Committee Leaders), (2) the creation of standing rules, policies or procedures of the PTO, and (3) the creation of standing and special committees and the appointment of the chairs those committees.

2024-25 PTO Elected Leaders

Position Name Email Address
Presidents Kelley Cannon, Lona Vida President@masoncrestpto.org
Vice President of Finance Anthony Katchusky treasurer@masoncrestpto.org
Vice President of Administration Lilian Lee lillianle27@gmail.com
Vice Presidents of Communication Tara Roberts, Lori Esposito taradroberts@gmail.com, lori_esposito@yahoo.com
Vice President of Ways and Means Sarah Miller and Erin N sarahbillingsmiller@gmail.com, kirkwood.erin.22@gmail.com
Vice President of Community Outreach Bethany Adamec bethany.adamec@gmail.com

The Committee Leaders consists of the PTO’s officers and the chairs of the standing committees. Mason Crest principal or his/her designee, and a representative appointed by the principal or elected by the faculty, also may serve on the
Committee Leaders.

The Committee Leaders executes the strategic initiatives developed by the Elected Leaders and creates programs and project plans to ensure coordination of resources among the other committees, membership, and volunteers. The committee also approves members of the standing and special committees and provides budget proposals to the Vice President of Finance for inclusion in the annual proposed budget

2023-24 PTO Committee Leaders

Committee Committee Leader Email Address
Kindergarten Play Dates

Amy Raum

Brian Raum



Assemblies Dan Rappaport danrappaport@masoncrestpto.org
Restaurant Nights position open  
Redeemable Awards    
Spirit Wear Sales    
Hospitality position open  
Yearbook Jamie Irelan jamie.irelan@masoncrestpto.org
Green Committee Alex Berens alexberens@masoncrestpto.org
Ways and Means Stacey Coyle  
After School Programs Heather Rascona heather.rascona@gmail.com
Folder Copying Karina Rook  
Book Fair

Allyssa Lingler

Allison Gilbert

Grants Jessica Olivan jessica.olivan@masoncrestpto.org
Nominating position open