Category Archives: PTO Board of Officers

The Mason Crest Elementary PTO Election will be held June 11 during the June PTO Meeting

Eight candidates will be on the June 11 ballot for the six seats on the Mason Crest PTO Executive Board. The election will take place during the Mason Crest PTO meeting on June 11 at 6:30 pm in the Mason Crest Library. Paid members of the PTO who cannot attend in person may assign another paid member to vote in proxy by completing the Special Meeting Proxy Form available at

The nominees for the position of PTO President are Tim Sample and Monica Buckhorn. The President manages the overall objectives and strategies of the PTO, acts as a liaison between the parents and the Mason Crest staff, and organizes the PTO meetings and events.

Johanna Murphy and Cara Annexstad are the nominees for the VP of Communications. The Vice-President of Communications coordinates the electronic and print communications of the organization including weekly announcements and regular newsletters, arranges language translations and interpreters for official events sponsored by the organization.

The nominees for the Vice-President of Finance (Sandra Miracle), the Vice-President of Administration (Elizabeth Bille), the Vice-President of Ways and Means (Christy Fase) and the Vice-President of Community Outreach (Patrick Krason) are all running unopposed. The Mason Crest PTO Vice-President of Finance maintains custody of all organizational funds, keeps a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, and makes disbursements. The Vice-President of Administration records the minutes of all meetings, ensures all meetings follow procedures and rules or order and maintains membership and an accurate historical record of the association. The Vice-President of Ways and Means identifies and organizes the organization’s fundraising opportunities (and events that benefit the PTO mission as well as its primary financial needs), and is responsible for the recruitment of committee members for fundraising events. The Vice-President of Community Outreach coordinates the recruitment of volunteers for PTO needs, establishes family-outreach programs, maintains a volunteer database, and creates a PTO presence at all school events.

For questions regarding the election, contact the current Mason Crest PTO president, Rock Rockenbach at or our Nominating Committee members, Crystal Krason at and Daniela Raik by email at


Nominations open for the 2015-16 Mason Crest PTO Executive Board

Nominations are now open for the Mason Crest PTO Executive Board for the 2015-16 school year. This is an excellent opportunity to show your Mason Crest Tiger pride and connect with other families. Any PTO member in good standing can be nominated for the position of President, Vice-President of Finance, Vice-President of Administration, Vice-President of Ways & Means, Vice-President of Communications and Vice-President of Community Outreach. The election for all board positions will be voted on at our final PTO meeting of the year in June.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone for a position or if you have any questions about the process, please contact both of our Nominating Committee members, Crystal Krason ( and Daniela Raik (, before the May PTO meeting on May 28 at the Parliaments Apartments to be added to the the official election ballot.

The President of the Mason Crest PTO manages the overall objectives and strategies of the PTO, acts as a liaison between the parents and the Mason Crest staff and organizes PTO meetings and events. The Vice-President of Finance maintains custody of all of the organization’s funds, keeps a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and makes disbursements. The Vice-President of Administration records the minutes of all meetings, ensures all meetings follow procedures and the rules of order and maintains the membership and historical records. The Vice-President of Ways & Means identifies and organizes the fundraising opportunities and events that will benefit the PTO mission and its primary financial needs and recruits committee members for fundraising events. The Vice-President of Communications coordinates the electronic and print communications of the organization including weekly announcements and regular newsletters, and arranges language translations and interpreters for the organizations events. The Vice-President of Community Outreach coordinates the recruitment of volunteers for the PTO, establishes family outreach, maintains a volunteer database and creates a PTO presence at all school events. 

Other PTO committee and coordinator positions that do not require an election include:

Please note that the above positions can be held by two people working together. If you are interested in filling one of these positions or you know someone who you think would be great in one of these positions, please share that name with the Nomination Committee and they will contact the person to see if they are interested in serving.

Special Bylaws Voting Meeting

ANNANDALE, Va. — On Friday, June 20, 2014, a special PTO Meeting for paid PTO members will take place at Mason Crest Elementary at 8:15 am to vote on the proposed revised PTO Bylaws.

As we discussed at the PTO meeting on May 15, Elizabeth Bille and Tim Sample reviewed our bylaws and made proposed changes. The goal in revising these bylaws was four-fold

(a) to streamline them, remove redundant language, and strike content that was not applicable to our PTO (but was a holdover from a PTA template we had received during our organization’s infancy for example);

(b) to take out extraneous sections that do not need to be contained in an organization’s bylaws (for example, auditing procedures–that are better served in a standalone policy document, which we have created);

(c) to build upon our learnings from our first couple of years as an organization, revising time frames where we noted we needed more flexibility or where we wanted our calendar to better correspond with the school calendar; codifying that many roles can be shared by two or more people, etc.; and

(d) creating a bit more role clarity between the Board members and committees.  Currently, the elected Board positions and non-elected committee positions have quite a bit of overlap, which can lead to confusion.  Thus, we are proposing that the elected Board positions will be primarily responsible for setting the strategy and goals of the organization, and for coordinating the work of any committees that logically related to/flow up to that Board position; and then the committees, working with the Board member, would execute upon those goals/strategy/activities.

Copies of the current and proposed revised bylaws are available for review .

Paid members who cannot attend in person may assign another paid member to vote in proxy by completing the Special Meeting Proxy Form.

Questions can be directed to Rock Rockenbach, PTO President, at

2014-15 PTO Board of Officers Election Information

It’s time to elect our PTO Board of Officers for the 2014-2015 school year. Please come to the PTO meeting on May 15 at 6:30 pm to meet the nominees. Voting will take place at the June PTO meeting. You can find information on the nominees and position descriptions on the PTO Election Flyer.

Elected Board Position Nominees

  • President:  Rock Rockenbach
  • VP of Finance: Tim Sample
  • VP of Administration: Elizabeth Bille
  • VP of Ways & Means: Kim Grutzik
  • VP of Communications: Absolon Kent
  • VP of Community Outreach: Michael Thomas

For more information on the election, contact the nominating committee: